200th Celebration-Old Allenstown Meeting House

The Old Allenstown Meeting House Committee will be celebration the 200th anniversary of the the meeting house on July 18th, 2015 from 9 AM to 3 PM.  The celebration will be held at the meeting house at 150 Deerfield Rd. Allenstown, N.H.

Historical Musician Bob Kilham will sing American songs of the 1800's with traditional instruments. 

James Garvin, retired State Architectural Historian will speak on the history of the Old Allenstown Meeting House.

See the Abbot-Downing Concord Coach on display all day weather permitting.

This celebration will begin with a non-denominational religious service.

Children will be able to play some traditional games of that time period.

Food by the Allenstown Fire Association.

CCC & the Snowmobile Museums will be open.


For more information contact Claudette or Armand at (603) 485-4437.