Solid Waste

Spring and Summer Hours
Transfer Station Hours
Transfer Station Hours


It is Time to Re-Educate Ourselves on Recycling!  What is Curbside Recyclable is different from what is Transfer Station Recyclable!Curbside Recycling

What can I and can't I recycle?

Just because something has a recycling symbol on it, does not mean it is allowed in the Recycling Bin at your Curbside!

We are getting trash in the Recycling Bins, so much trash or other materials that 50% of our Recycling isn't recycling at all!  We are also getting other materials that maybe can go to a different recycling facility, but not in the curbside bin!

Besides the blatant trash in the recycling bins; there are other materials going into the bins that shouldn't be.  These include plastic toys, and metal pans, plastic fans, plastic utinsels, kcups, plastic shopping bags, cell phones, and batteries.  These are just a few of the things that can't and shouldn't be put into your recycling bins!

Re-Education Time!!!  If we don't get rid of contamination in our recycling we risk paying to get rid of our recyclable materials which will mean higher taxes.  You also risk us suspending your curbside trash and recycling privaledges which will mean bringing your trash to the transfer station yourself.  Furthermore; as a community, if we don't get this under control soon, we may have to look at other ways to control expenses and encourage recycling better such as a pay as you throw system, or even elimination of curbside trash and recycling all together and going to a transfer station only system where you will need to bring your trash and recycling to the facility yourself, or even worse transfer station with pay as you throw.  Let's avoid going down that road, and just RECYCLE BETTER!

Please watch a video by clicking here to learn how to Recycle Better!  What not to recyle starts at the 1:41 mark, but watch the whole thing for a bigger picture of why recycling contamination is a problem. 

Also click here to read more about how to Recycle Better!

What can I and can't I recycle?